【Materials Box】How to Share the Same Folder Across Multiple Subjects
For teachers looking to share the same materials in different Classes or Subjects, the following method can be used for data sharing.
Creating and Using 'Subject Shared Folders'
Expected to be available in late March
After creating a 'Subject Shared Folder' in the Admin Console, it can then be referenced in any subject.
How to Create a 'Subject Shared Folder'
1 Log in to the Admin Console and select 'Subjects'
2 In the subject list, select 'Subject Shared Folder
3 Click '+ New Folder'
4 Enter the 'Folder Name', choose the 'Subject' to share, and then click create
When choosing the subject to share, you can search by 'Subject Name', 'Class Name', 'Teacher Name', etc.
The created 'Subject Shared Folder' will be available for use in the application.
Share with "School-Wide Shared Folders"
You can save Materials that you want to use in multiple subjects in "School-Wide Shared Folders".
Please separate folders for each subject and grade level for easier understanding and use.
▼Example of Utilization
Share with "Subject Shared Folders"
If you want to make "Subject Shared" of the Material Box available to multiple Subjects, you must link multiple Subjects to a class from the "Subjects" section of the Admin Page.
▼Example of Utilization
Once a subject is linked, it cannot be removed.
If there is already a subject tied to another subject, a new subject will be created in addition to the existing subject.
All teachers in charge of the linked subject will have the same settings, and all teachers in charge of the subject will receive notifications such as "Submit" and "Send".